Bahri, A. ; Coron, J.-M.
Équation de Yamabe sur un ouvert non contractile
Benci, Vieri
A generalization of the Conley-index theory
Degiovanni, Marco ; Marino, Antonio
Bifurcation for some nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities
Drábek, Pavel
Systems of reaction-diffusion type with unilateral boundary conditions. The approach of M. Ku\v cera
Gardner, Robert
Applications of the Conley index to reaction-diffusion systems
Girardi, Mario ; Matzeu, Michele
Solutions of minimal period for Hamiltonian systems with quadratic growth at the origin and superquadratic at infinity
Rybakowski, Krzysztof P.
Some recent results in the homotopy index theory in infinite dimensions
Cerami, Giovanna ; Solimini, Sergio
Multiplicity problems for elliptic equations with nonlinearities at critical growth
Coti Zelati, Vittorio
Solution of a BVP constrained in an infinitely deep potential well
Drábek, Pavel
Solvability of boundary value problems with homogeneous ordinary differential operator
Mittas, Jean ; Ioulidis, Stavros
Sur les hypergroupes polysymétriques commutatifs
Moroşanu, G. ; Petrovanu, Dan
Nonlinear monotone boundary conditions for parabolic equations
Abian, Alexander
On the countability of a set of real numbers
Basit, Bolis
On a theorem of Gel\cprime fand and a new proof of the Orlicz-Pettis theorem
Rybakowski, Krzysztof P.
On critical groups and the homotopy index in Morse theory on Hilbert manifolds
Körner, János ; Sgarro, Andrea
A new approach to rate-distortion theory
Bella, Angelo
On local $T$-tightness
Greco, Carlo
On forced oscillations of Lagrangian systems
Frič, Roman ; Zanolin, Fabio
Sequential convergence in free groups