Baiesi, M. ; Ballico, Edoardo
On the tensor product of sections of vector bundles on an algebraic curve
Dall'Aglio, Paolo
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of fourth order Dirichlet problems
Bocconi, Alessandro
Determination of plane convex sets through X-rays
Pascali, Eduardo ; Sempi, Carlo
Joint entropy and Gaussian functions
Njoku, Franic Ikechukwu
Solvability of a three-point boundary value problem below the first eigenvalue
Berenstein, C. ; Chang, D.-C. ; Wang, E.
Determining a surface breaking crack from steady-state electrical boundary measurements---reconstruction method
Tominaga, A.
Periodic points of small periods of mappings of $B$-spaces
Marangunic, Pedro R.
A symmetrical two-phase Stefan problem with supercooling
Del Santo, Daniele
Global existence and blow-up for a hyperbolic system in three space dimensions
Focardi, M.
Semicontinuity of vectorial functionals in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
Kundu, S. ; Raha, A. B.
Addendum: ``The bounded-open topology and its relatives'' [Rend.\ Istit.\ Mat.\ Univ.\ Trieste {\bf 27} (1995), no. 1-2, 61--77; MR1421048 (98a:54011)]
Milani, Albert
On the construction of compatible data for hyperbolic-parabolic initial-boundary value problems
Esposito, V.
Estimates and existence theorems for a class of nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations
Clément, Philippe ; Da Prato, Giuseppe ; Prüss, Jan
White noise perturbation of the equations of linear parabolic viscoelasticity
Prodi, Giovanni
Un ricordo di Mario Dolcher