Canuto, Bruno ; Rial, Diego
Local overdetermined linear elliptic problems in Lipschitz domains with solutions changing sign
Toumi, Mohamed Ali
Exponents in $\Bbb R$ of elements in a uniformly complete $\Phi$-algebra
Ballico, Edoardo
Rank 2 totally arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay vector bundles on an abelian surface with ${\rm Num}(X)\cong\Bbb Z$
Bortolussi, Luca ; Sgarro, Andrea
A criterion for the stochasticity of matrices with specified order relations
Benabidallah, R. ; Taleb, L. ; Fujita Yashima, H.
Sur le potentiel de pression-gravitation pour le mouvement d'un gaz à transformation adiabatique
Azizi, Abdelmalek ; Taous, Mohammed
Déterminations des corps $K=\Bbb Q(\sqrt d,\sqrt{-1})$ dont les 2-groupes de classes sont de type $(2,4)$ ou $(2,2,2)$
Tekkoyun, Mehmet
Lifts of structures on product manifolds
Abdesselem, Adnène Ben ; Cherrier, Pascal
Almost PSH functions on Calabi's bundles
Verra, Alessandro
Problemi di razionalità e unirazionalità: da Ugo Morin ai giorni nostri
Vera Sereno, E. M. ; Vera Mendoza, R.
A nonstandard proof of the Banach-Steinhaus theorem